We are a fast-paced organization, committed to meet the rising needs of our valuable clients by manufacturing Water Softeners. The softeners are used to remove the hardness from waste water and make the water usable for industrial use. To manufacture the softeners, our skilled personnel team uses superior grade materials, sourced from reputed vendors. We check the Water Softeners on construction and performance parameters to offer a flawless range at client's end.
Removes impurity
Highly effective
Easy to install
Water Softeners
Water Softener made using quality raw material procured from reliable sources, this product is provided at cost-effective prices to the clients. Avail from us the high quality of Industrial Water Softeners. With the use of these removes the hardness in feed water. Water softeners remove the white scales on bathroom fittings appliances and piping that are caused from the hard water. These are automatic & manual operations that are easily installed and available in different models for auto multiport valve, manual multiport valve and butterfly valve. Water softener systems these are capable of removing different types of impurity present in raw water such as turbidity, color, odor, iron and suspended particles.